Oxford Business Group (OBG) articles on Sabah's Economic Updates. Click the 'Read more' wordings to read the full articles.
Sabah: A rural transformation
Asia | 28 Jan 2011
The digital age will be heading deeper into the heart of Borneo soon – that was the message delivered by Deputy Information Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum in Sarawak recently. The Minister said in early December that more than 500 villages in Sabah would gain access to the internet via satellite next year as part of the “Kampung Wi-Fi” project. (Read more)
Sabah: Preserving assets
Asia | 8 Feb 2011
The state government of Sabah is taking the long view when it comes to expanding its tourism industry, placing limits on the number of visitors to pristine natural areas, not only for environmental but also economic reasons.(Read more)
Sabah: Of cars and cabotage
Asia | 14 Feb 2011

A recent state government announcement that it was licensing an automobile manufacturing plant to make parts for luxury passenger vehicles could lead to new jobs and a much-needed new industry sector, boosting Sabah’s export potential. However, manufacturers have voiced concerns that this might be affected by a controversial Malaysian government policy – cabotage – and its effects on Sabah’s efforts to develop new industries. (Read more)
Sabah: Affordable housing
Asia | 21 Feb 2011
Investment in a range of property, from low-cost housing to top-end resorts, is driving Sabah’s construction and real estate sector, while labour reforms may be set to keep costs for contractors down. Some 20,000 affordable housing units will be built in Sabah over the next five years under a new partnership formed between the Sabah Housing and Town Development Authority (SHTDA) and Malaysia’s Probil Sonati Development, local press reported on February 8.(Read more)
Sabah: Greening the power supply
Asia | 28 Feb 2011
In a dramatic move on February 17, the state government halted bidding for a new 300-MW coal-fired power station in Lahad Datu, citing environmental concerns. Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman told local press that, “Sabah needs to increase power supply to meet the increasing development, but the state cannot afford to put its natural environment at risk.” He noted that protecting Sabah’s environment was crucial for the growing tourism sector, particularly given the state’s efforts to promote nature tourism.(Read more)
Sabah: A competitive landscape
Asia | 16 Mar 2011
The banking sector in Sabah – already well-managed and capitalised – seems poised for a positive performance in 2011, but consumers will also benefit from an increase in competition. With strong economic fundamentals in place on the back of high crude palm oil (CPO) prices (which tend to broadly track those of regular crude oil) and a burgeoning local tourism sector, Sabah’s financial services market is attracting growing interest from foreign players.(Read more)
Sabah: Bearing fruit
Asia | 29 Mar 2011
With Sabah’s leaders increasingly prioritising agricultural land and resources as a driver of economic growth, the state’s fruit and vegetable industry looks set for a growth surge in the months ahead.(Read more)
Sabah: Moving to the forefront
Asia | 31 May 2011
With the government pushing ahead with efforts to achieve high-income status by 2020, the need to accelerate education transformation in Sabah, particularly in rural areas, has moved to the forefront of late.(Read more)
Sabah: Offshore opportunities
Asia | 23 Jun 2011
In line with a broader, nationwide policy of exploiting offshore oil and gas sources, recent moves in Sabah to develop a new gas field and link it up with the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal (SOGT) should pay dividends for the state as it seeks to advance its energy and development plans.(Read more)
Sabah: Promoting home ownership
Asia | 1 Sep 2011
Federal government schemes expected to increase demand for housing will be a welcome boost for Sabah’s construction sector, which has seen several challenges recently, at the same time that a growing real estate investment trust (REIT) market is focusing on the state’s capital city. (Read more)
Sabah: Touting tourism
Asia | 7 Sep 2011
Already one of the key contributors to Sabah’s GDP, the tourism sector is expected to expand in 2011 as the global economy improves. At the same time, the government is taking steps to attract more visitors to the state, including the introduction of new products. (Read more)
Sabah: Building a local workforce
Asia | 3 Oct 2011
With significant recent gas discoveries off the coast of Sabah, excitement about the country’s future as an oil and gas producer is growing. In the meantime, the national oil giant Petronas is moving forward with its plans to ensure Sabahans receive the necessary training to meet the need for skilled workers in the oil and gas fields.(Read more)
Sabah: Surpassing targets
Asia | 28 Oct 2011
As the second phase of the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) gets under way, the chief minister, Musa Aman, has announced that cumulative planned investment in the programme has reached RM57bn ($17.7bn) – almost four times the target value set just last year.(Read more)
Sabah: Investment gateway
Asia | 28 Nov 2011
With investors and policy makers gathering in Kota Kinabalu in late October for a key investment forum, Sabah’s decision makers were able to present a picture of growing confidence in the state’s economy and in its ability to leverage Sabah’s unique position in the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines-East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA).(Read more)
Sabah: Closing the broadband divide
Asia | 22 Dec 2011
With the federal government targeting broadband penetration rates of 75% by the end of 2015, much work remains to be done in Sabah, which, at 33%, has the lowest penetration rate of all Malaysia’s states. Some progress has been seen in this regard recently, however, with several telecoms companies moving to boost their investments in Eastern Malaysia.(Read more)
Sabah: Year in Review 2011
Asia | 3 Jan 2012
It has been an eventful year for Sabah, characterised by growing streams of investment flowing into the state, enhanced economic cooperation, improved trade relations and several significant offshore oil discoveries, including one announced in November by the national oil corporation, Petronas.(Read more)
Sabah: Plantations gear up for new year
Asia | 17 Jan 2012
As 2012 gets underway, Sabah’s plantation sector players have been keeping a wary eye on both the weather and economic forecasts, as external factors threaten to challenge palm oil production. Meanwhile, the state’s rubber plantations await a major replanting campaign this year as part of national plans for commodities investment.(Read more)
Sabah: Partnering in air travel
Asia | 15 Feb 2012
The New Year has started out on a turbulent note for Sabah’s air transportation sector, with some fearing that recent developments may spell hard times ahead for investment in the state and its tourism sector. Yet a possible partnership with neighbouring Brunei Darussalam’s national carrier may hold a solution to Sabah’s air travel troubles.(Read more)
Sabah: Making the grade
Asia | 13 Mar 2012
In his recent Chinese New Year 2012 message, Sabah’s chief minister, Musa Aman, indicated progress has been made in several sectors of the economy, such as oil and gas, palm oil and tourism. Yet he also pointed to the state’s need to educate and train its young people if progress is to continue long into the state’s future. (Read more)
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