The huge allocation in the 2012 State Budget will further boost development in Sabah.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The huge allocation in the 2012 State Budget will further boost development in Sabah, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman. Musa who is also Finance Minister said coordination, cooperation, control and monitoring were important elements to ensure the smooth implementation of a project.

With experience and management principles we can achieve our development target.“We must also pay attention to the delivery system. We must not be complacement with our achievements this year but instead to make more efforts to have a first class delivery system,” he said.

Musa added that if there is good coordination and implementation monitoring and the delivery system, the implementation of programmes under the 10th Malaysia Plan would be carried out smoothly and all objectives would be achieved.

Many Ybs, he added, had supported the special “Sentuhan kasih” allocation proposed in the Budget. “Time is of essence and that is why the Barisan Nasional state government wants to ensure that the people can benefit from this allocation.”

He said the “Sentuhan kasih” allocation of RM500,000 for every state constituency would be distributed from January next year including the guidelines on the utilisation of the money.

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**The 2012 budget will make Sabah became more developed. with the efficient
   management all projects will  be able to achieve the targets. projects or 
   programs planned will bring benefits to the people.


  1. Harap peruntukan bajet ini akan digunakan dengan sebaik mungkin untuk membangunkan negeri kita.

  2. Teruskan usaha untuk meningkatkan pencapaian kita. Selamat berjuang.

  3. Peruntukan ini harus digunakan dengan wajar agar tiada penyelewengan.

  4. special “Sentuhan kasih” allocation proposed in the Budget. “Time is of essence and that is why the Barisan Nasional state government wants to ensure that the people can benefit from this allocation.”

    Semoga peruntukan "sentuhan kasih" memanfaatkan lebih banyak golongan yang betul-betul memerlukan bantuan.

  5. Semoga bujet 2012 dapat memperkembangkan sistem infra yang kurang wajar terutama kawasan luar bandar.

  6. Government should prioritized their project.

  7. Musa who is also Finance Minister said coordination, cooperation, control and monitoring were important elements to ensure the smooth implementation of a project.

    Semoga kerajaan menguruskan peruntukan ini dengan baik agar tiada kes rasuah yang akan dikemukakan nanti.

  8. Projek pembangunan luar bandar juga harus diberi tumpuan yang wajar.

  9. Hoping the state government can manage the budget for economy related projects.

  10. Agree to No name, government should prioritise their project that bring more and continuous economy expansion.

  11. "Sentuhan kasih” allocation of RM500,000 for every state constituency would be distributed from January next year including the guidelines on the utilisation of the money."

    Make sure the money being deliver to the right people for right purpose.

  12. Make sure the budget contribute to continuous economy grow. Only good economy expansion that could resolve poverty.

  13. Harap2 bajet 2012 dapat dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan peruntukan sampai secara terus ke rakyat. Sekali dapat menangani masalah yang dibangkitkan.

  14. Musa is confident that the budget could be achieved as long as the people is willing to support and willing to work together to make it happens.

  15. Kalau peruntukan yang disediakan digunakan sebaik mungkin, konpom lah ekonomi negeri mampu bertambah lebih baik lagi:)

  16. Banyak target yang kena set, so pihak2 berwajib harus lipat gandakan usaha agar target itu dapat dicapai.

  17. Semoga “Sentuhan kasih” membuahkan hasil yang positif.

  18. Walaupun ada yang pandang serong terhadap bajet 2012, saya tetap menyimpan harapan agar bajet ini berjaya direalisasikan.

  19. Ia pasti mengembirakan ramai pihak terutamanya rakyat jika semua yang diwar-warkan dalam bajet menjadi kenyataan:)

  20. Hope that this allocations will be used efficiently to boost Sabah's developments.

  21. Hope that CM Musa Aman will continue to lead Sabah towards a developed state.

  22. bajet yang besar ini diharap akan mempercepatkan lagi pembangunan yang berlaku di Sabah.

  23. harap semuanya akan berjalan lancar dan akan mencapai objektif.

  24. Ketua Menteri Datuk Musa Aman tahu apa keperluan mendesak di negeri ini yang perlu diambil perhatian.. berdasarkan reputasi serta prestasi pentadbiran beliau sebelum ini, saya yakin bajet tersebut akan mampu membawa satu perubahan yang besar ke atas negeri ini..

  25. peruntukan tersebut akan membawa kepada pembangunan yang pesat kepada sabah jika digunakan dgn baik.

  26. untuk menjadikan Sabah sebagai negeri maju menjelang 2015, Sabah tentunya memerlukan dana yang besar. walaupun kerajaan negeri telah mengeluarkan bajet yang besar untuk negeri ini, saya harap kerajaan persekutuan akan tetap menyalurkan peruntukkan ke negeri pada bila2 masa..

  27. byk pembangunan perlu dilakukan di Sabah, Sabah mmg perlukan bajet yang tinggi.

  28. banyaklah juga bantuan yang kerajaan berikan ni. harap2 ini tidak mendorong rakyat untuk lebih bergantung pada kerajaan. nanti bila terlalu bergantung dan tiba2 bantuan ini dihentikan, mesti rakyat akan sangat terasa.

  29. memang benar. sistem penyampaian itu perlu dititikberatkan memandangkan pengalaman sebelum ini memberi banyak pengajaran. ada lah penyelewengan, ketirisan dan sebagainya.

  30. Govt has to ensure the budget reach its target.

  31. Looking forward to see better future for Sabah under MA administration.

  32. Hope that the government will use the budget for the good of the state and people.

  33. The good news for Sahaban about rise allocation in budget 2012.. We hope state govt will concentrate for the rural development.

  34. Jika kerajaan bersungguh-sungguh pasti akan dapat menjayakan pembangunan di Sabah dengan sepenuhnya. Dengan peruntukan yang besar dan pengurusan yang baik pasti boleh punya.

  35. Datuk Musa memang yang terbaik. Sehinggakan Sabah ada simpanan RM3billion ini menunjukan pengurusan kewangan di Sabah dilakukan dengan baik.

  36. With that kind of allocation, there is no doubt that there be more development compared to previous years.

  37. When allocation is given, the projects must be implemented without any delay.

  38. May 2012 be a better year for sabah.

  39. the delivery should be improve...

  40. more efforts is needed to have a first class delivery system..the state govt can do it..

  41. if there is good coordination and implementation monitoring and the delivery system, the implementation of programmes under the 10th Malaysia Plan would be carried out smoothly and all objectives would be achieved.

  42. the state budget 2012, proven the state govt was committed to development and people's welfare...

  43. hope all the development plans stated in 2012 budget can be implemented...

  44. Harap bajet 2012 dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna..

  45. Harap bajet ini akan dapat meningkatkan ekonomi kita dan pastikan ia berjalan dengan lancar..
