There are a lot of reasons why Sabah is a good place to Invest. Several key points are evident to assure investors that their investment is feasibly profitable and safe.
Political and Social Stability
Firstly, being part of the Malaysian framework, Sabah enjoys political and social stability providing an environment conducive for business. Relating to this, Government's investment policies have remained fairly stable, especially in the emphasis on promoting private sector investment into the country.
Business friendly Government
The Malaysian Government is business-friendly, adopting a liberal policy on foreign equity ownership. Following in the foorsteps of the national government, the state Government of Sabah is business-friendly and welcomes foreign investments.
Young, Educated and Trainable Human Resource
Sabah has a young population, providing a vibrant workforce for its industries. More than 50% of its population is in the age group of between 15-44 years. The state also has a readily available educated and trainable human resource. She produces about 30, 000 school leavers with O-Levels education annually.
Modern Infrastructure and Industrial Facilities.
Sabah has modern airports and seaports in its major towns. A network of all-weather road links the major towns in the state, enabling an efficient distribution of goods within Sabah. These are continually being maintained and upgraded. All main towns are supplied with treated water and Electricity, the latter being generated by diesel, gas and hydro. Telecommunication facilities are excellent, with numerous services including International Direct Dial, Intergrated Services Digital Network and Leased Circuit, to name a few.
Information Technology
In this era of globalisation, information technology (IT) has become a prime sourceand force used by successful economies to sharpen their competitive edge. Cognizant of this, the State government had initiated the move towards an electronic government. The business community in Sabah is also becoming increasingly aware of the importance of IT not only in gaining access to information on business potential but also in enhancing productivity.
Strategic Location
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah's capital, is within only about three hours' flight to major Asian cities, including, Tokyo, Seoul, Taipei, Osaka, Kaosiung, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macau, Manila, Cebu, Singapore, and Bandar Seri Begawan. The availability of direct flights from Kota Kinabalu to these cities makes Sabah easily accesible. Sabah's strategic location in the centre of the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area also known as BIMP-EAGA makes it the region's potential manufacturing and service hub.
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