Fishermen's Development Cooperative (Ko-Nelayan) has exceeded it's Key performance Instructor (KPI) target by 20 percent. It's KPI was determined by it's efforts to increase the income of poor fishermen. The positive KPI has reflected Ko-Nelayan's commitment towards the development of fishermen in Sabah.
Deputy Chief Minister Cum Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Datuk Yahya Hussin had also noted that Ko-Nelayan had exceeded it's other KPI target as follows:
- Average increase of fishing entrepreneurs and fishermen to 30 % ,
- loan assistance collection at 75%, and
- maintaining clean audit report for two (2) consecutive years ( 2010 and 2011)
Ko-Nelayan has received ISO Quality Management, MS ISO 9001: 2008 from Lloyds for the audit report.
Overall, Ko-Nelayan's has scored an excellent 81 percent in financial performance and 85 percent in physical performance respectively.
"Hopefully, all the cooperative efforts and future efforts will further boost Ko-Nelayan as a respected and successful government agency with high integrity and good image; in line with it's vision to become the most excellent organisation and transforming the industry."
Datuk Yahya Hussin, Deputy Chief Minister Cum Minister of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry
Under the Rolling Plan 2 of 10th Malaysia Plan, the State Government has provided Ko-Nelayan an allocation totaling to RM30 Million for implementation of development projects. Of that allocation, 95 percent have been spent; which has been translated to the 85 percent of the cooperative's physical development.
These allocations have been funneled through:
- Fishermen Assistance Scheme,
- Aquaculture Entrepreneur Assistance Scheme, and
- Small Fishery Industrial Loan.
Under the 9th Malaysia and 10th Malaysia Plan, the cooperative have targeted 3,717 groups to be assisted. The Federal Government has provided a total of RM 10 Million under the 10th Malaysia Plan which was channeled through the Phase Two of the 1Azam Programme.
These pivotal milestones of accomplishments by Ko-Nelayan has indeed made it's Appreciation Night memoriable and worthy of celebration. Datuk Yahya Hussin's speech was read by Ko-Nelayan's Chairman, Datuk Shamsudin Yahya who is also Sekong Assemblyman.
In attendance of the function was Ko-Nelayan's Deputy Chairman, Datuk Abd Mijul Unaini, the permanent secretary of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry, Datuk Ujang Sulani, and Ko-Nelayan's General Manager, Datuk Masood Salleh.
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