Sabah has what it takes to become a logistic hub in BIMP-Eaga.

Monday, December 12, 2011

 BIMP-EAGA effective area*

What is a logistic hub? A broad definition of a logistic hub is: Integrated centres for transhipment, storage, collection and distribution of goods (Jorgensen, 2007).

Sabah is an ideal place to become a logistic hub, at least when you looking at BIMP-EAGA (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia & Philippine - East Asia Growth Area) point of view. Geographically located at the center of three of the members (Brunei, Indonesia & Philippine), theoretically  the participate country will no longer need to transport any of its goods to another participant country. The country only need to "park" the goods in Sabah & let their client pick it up from there.

With the right strategy & implementation, i don't see why this plan cannot see the future. Sabah has all the means to make this happen.

For more info, read the following news article:

Sabah Aims To Be Logsitic Hub in BIMP-EAGA

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah, with a strategic location within the Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-The Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA) believes it has what it takes to become a logistics hub and is set on achieving the status.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the state planned to seriously pursue the plan and make it a priority agenda.

Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman*

"Our inherent strength is our strategic location, being the shortest distance to regional economic powerhouses, thus offering substantial cost advantages for trade among the regional economies," he said in his remarks at the Federation of Sabah Manufacturers (FSM) dinner here tonight.

In addition, Musa said there was a lucrative consumer market of 60 million people in BIMP EAGA.

"Together with Sabah's political stability, and other positive attributes such as cash crop agriculture resources, the state has what it takes to elevate itself to a logistics hub status," he stressed.

However, he said there was still much to be done to enhance Sabah's economy further and to uplift the living standard of the people.

"Competition is rife and and changes are taking place very quickly in the world of business and trade. Our neighbours in Asia are also competing to become logistics hub, triggered by the demand from within the region and also due to China's meteoric rise as one of the largest economies in the world.

"Increasing de-regularised global trade practices is another aspect that has to be considered as we work towards becoming a hub," he said.--BERNAMA

*1 taken from
*2 taken from 


  1. Hope this will bring good impact to Sabah.

  2. Baguslah, semoga ia menghasilkan sesuatu yang positif.

  3. Jika semuanya berjalan lancar, hal ini pasti mampu menjana ekonomi Sabah.

  4. Justeru sama-samalah kita mengharapkan yang terbaik dalam hal ini.

  5. Sabah ada potensi menjadi hab logistik di BIMP-eaga, harap kerajaan Sabah akan berusaha membantu Sabah mencapai status ini.

  6. Usaha untuk meningkatkan kualiti kehidupan rakyat dan juga membangkitkan ekonomi negeri masih diperlukan.

  7. kta semua harus memberi sokongan kepada KM kita dalam menbangunkan lagi negeri sabah dalam mencapai negeri termaju di Malaysia.

  8. semoga usaha ini berjalan dgn lancar.

  9. Potential is there. Need more best strategies to achieve the goal.

  10. Make sure everything is right on track.

  11. Semoga Sabah mencapai status yang diimpikan untuk menjadi hab logistik. Sabah pasti boleh!

  12. ini merupakan pekara yang baik dan mampu memberikan manfaat yang banyak kepada negeri ini.

  13. jika ini berjaya..pencapaian ekonomi Sabah pasti akan bertambah baik lagi.

  14. teruskan berusaha..pekara ini pasti disokong oleh rakyat.

  15. Hub status for Sabah will eventually benefit the nation, and since it is a task of national significance, it will require both federal and state agendas to be aligned..

  16. Sabah has many beautiful good location ports.
    It is up to the government to develop the ports.
    They are the strategic location for the neighour countries.

    It is also one of the way to reduce the cost of shipment and the cost of the products.

  17. Jalinkan hubungan baik dengan negara jiran. Ini bagi memastikan perkongsian idea dan pendapat antara setiap negara.

  18. Kesemua ini perlu dirancang dan dilaksanakan dengan baik. Ini seakan membangunkan ekonomi jika dilakukan dengan baik.

  19. Im sure Sabah has great potential to become a great logistic hub.

  20. More effort needed to make this come truth. Im sure its help to boots a great market growth.

  21. Well startegic plan and implementation needed to ensure the plan go towards the aims. The people look forward to continuous improvement and development.

  22. Anything can happen if really work it out and put more efforts.

  23. If really the idea come in plan, Im sure the development in Sabah can achieve greater level.

  24. Sabah has great potential to become the logistic hub in BIMP-Eaga.

  25. "Together with Sabah's political stability, and other positive attributes such as cash crop agriculture resources, the state has what it takes to elevate itself to a logistics hub status,"

    Kestabilan economy masih perlu diusahakan lagi. Dengan kondisi Sabah yang sedia ada, bukan satu mimpi tetapi akan menjadi kenyataan jika kerajaan betul berusaha dan memperkembangkannya.

  26. The logistics hub help to boots very good economy growth.

  27. Apapun boleh dilakukan asal ada usaha untuk memajukannya..

  28. Pasti Sabah mempuyai potensi besar unuk di jadikan Hab logistik di BIMP-Eaga..

  29. Harap yang terbaik dalam hal ini.. ini antara satu dapat menaikkn nama negeri sabah..
